MODULES: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12

1 Corinthians 1:22-29 LGV
"22 Since also Judeans demand a sign, and Greeks seek wisdom, 23 yet we proclaim the Anointed having been crucified. To the Judeans [He is] a scandal indeed, to the Greeks an absurdity, 24 but to those - the invited, both Judeans and Greeks - [He is] the Anointed, the Power of God and the Wisdom of God, 25 since the absurdity of God is wiser than [wisdom] of men, and the feebleness of God is stronger than [strength] of men. 26 For you see your invitation, brothers, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many strong, not many well-bred [are invited]. 27 But God chose the simple things of the world so that He may humiliate the wise. And God chose the feeble things of the world so that He may humiliate the strong. 28 And God chose the un-well-bred things of the world, and the despised things, and non-existent things so that He might discard the things that exist 29 whereby no flesh might boast in His sight."

The 4Winds 10 Principles of Biblical Interpretation:

  • I. The original prophetic Scriptures are "God-breathed," entirely harmonious and accurate.
  • II. The Scriptures are God's entire preserved revelation, sufficient to fully equip the man of God. There is no other reliable source or foundation for truth.
  • III. The grammar of the original languages must not be violated, but it's nuances allowed to guide interpretation.
  • IV. Interpretation must be from within the historical setting and context; Scripture must not be used beyond its intent in that context.
  • V. Literal interpretation should take precedence by default whenever it makes sense. Non-literal interpretations must be obvious and fully explained.
  • VI. The Apostles' explanations must always be followed to unlock and explain the mysteries concealed in the Old Testament.
  • VII. Interpretation must be progressive; newer revelation compliments and explains older revelation, but never contradicts it.
  • VIII. Since God created our brains to process logic, and language to convey ideas logically, we must interpret His Word logically.
  • IX. True doctrines are always consistent with God's revealed character and with all other true doctrines.
  • X. Whenever possible, trace doctrines back to their source to understand when, where, why, and how they originated.
  • John Wycliffe, the first to translate the New Testament into English (circa 1384), had the following advice for those who read his translation:

    "It shall greatly helpe ye to understande Scripture,
    If thou mark
    Not only what is spoken or wrytten,
    But of whom,
    And what tyme,
    To what intent,
    With what circumstances,
    Considering what goeth before
    And what followeth."

    There are 12 BBI modules for basic instruction in the pristine Faith:

  • 1. Reasons to Believe
  • 2. The Doctrine of God
  • 3. The Doctrine of Man
  • 4. The Destiny of Man
  • 5. The Redemption of Creation
  • 6. The Life of Christ
  • 7. The Apostolic Mission
  • 8. The Christian Assembly
  • 9. The Christian Home
  • 10. The Book of Hebrews
  • 11. The Book of Revelation
  • 12. Faithful Shepherds
  • My prayer for each person using these modules is for them to be humble before God's Word, that they earnestly seek to conform every area of their own lives to God's Word and will, and then share the pristine Faith with others. -- Tim